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New Oil Paintings

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Oddington Bluebells III - Oil on Canvas - 31 x 76cms (46.5 x 84cms framed)

Cranham Bluebells - Oil on Canvas - 31 x 76cms (46.5 x 84cms framed)

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Kemerton Court Wood II - Oil on Canvas - 31 x 76cms (46.5 x 84cms framed)

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Water lilies - Oil on Canvas - 25 x 45cms (41 x 61cms framed)

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In a Woodland Deep - Oil on Canvas SOLD

About me and my work

Woodland, wild places, sea, sky and wildflowers provide an endless source of inspiration for my paintings and drawings.  I venture out to experience the landscape in all weathers and through the shifting seasons, taking my studies back to the studio to inspire oil paintings, watercolours and pen & ink work.


Working as a full-time artist allows me to explore new concepts and how I can develop and realise them in a variety of forms.  Nature in all its fragile and fierce beauty and how our experience of the natural world resonates with us provides a deep wellspring of ideas which I’m taking forwards in my new work.

Where to see my work

I am currently represented by Park Gallery in Cheltenham for my oil paintings (link here).


If you are interested in buying my work please contact or visit Park Gallery who will be able to show you all my available paintings and discuss prices with you.


My watercolour and pen & ink work will be available to view on this site soon.

Click HERE for Cards & Prints.

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